Monday, March 27, 2023

The Dreamers and Immortality (Gilgaverse to Iris system) - Indonesia Idea and Concept


"Dreamers" is a word that would describe the Gilgaverse. Where the Gilgaverse is a dream that will become an actual reality. This allows what was once a word and wishful thinking to become a reality. And the word "Dreams Come True" is eternity

After we see the developments that are happening in the World right now, there really won't be any initial plans in the Metaverse period. Indeed, there have been some changes and packages, but all of them are currently still on the same track they are facing.

It is still in Metaverse phase 1 where many people create their world with the power of certain coins/funds. This must be done as a basic foundation for advancing to Metaverse phase 2. Where all sectors must be able to create their own "world".

After they can create this "own world", the next stage is data integration where the world is interconnected, and the development of better NFTs for cross-media and Blockchain.

This has been discussed in several of these articles
For now, we will discuss the leader to bring about "immortality" - Gilgaverse 2.0


The word "eternity" actually originates from the eternal word which, according to the philosophical dictionary, has eternal, infinite, endless, and free. This word has a double meaning today, as the word immortal would speak of the "Almighty" and the "victory" of life.

If we look deeper into the word "Almighty" in fact there are many liturgies that prove that humans are very thirsty and jealous of power and logic while even the power possessed by the Creator of Man. Where is the reward for logical thinking if humans have an "Almighty" power, they can change the basis, history, and even the life span of humans. Even if we see in the word "Victory" Then even in this there is ego and passion to take away the absolute power that belongs to the Almighty.

So the basic human nature which is ego, envy, and thirst to realize the truth itself will force humans to take that power and Victory and the only way is immortality.

Eternal chaos

With the existence of this trigger, then according to the natural system and the existing provisions. Then there was a "competition" among human beings to fight over objects that are believed to make them achieve their goal of immortality.

But indeed objects or anything cannot make that happen, instead, they produce eternal chaos. In this perpetual chaos resulted in a global conspiracy theory that distorts the truth. This conspiracy theory refers to the formation of blockchain at the beginning of the technological era.

Where with the entry of technology at the beginning of its formation, technology is expected to accelerate information so that there is a way for humans to share information easily and quickly and even reveal the truth. But what happened was the opposite, in the 2000s there was an increasing proliferation of systems that developed without purpose and benefits.

If we look at history from the time of Albert Einstein, there is one word that is right to stop this mess according to Albert, namely the connection of all human brains and eyes in one framework that has been formed.

So what happened at that time was the formation of the word standardization of education, where if you want to be seen or acknowledged that at that time the only form of windows to the world were books and research notes by the framework that was formed. This is indeed much opposed by some circles who do not believe in the framework that was formed.

Because according to Tesla, the framework created only makes what is right return wrong, because the framework only limits what is believed to be true by someone in power and teaches others to copy it and makes others also say the truth about it.

Indeed, this ultimately became the beginning of the formation of an independent system, where the framework that was formed was not according to standards, but only according to the needs of the owner of the system. So that the data that is managed becomes non-standard and often results in failures and increasing chaos (eternal chaos).

So some people started to restore the value of Albert Einstein to what should be the correct framework without removing the value of Tesla. So this system is called Blockchain.

Blockchain and Metaverse

Metaverse is very closely related to Blockchain. This is because the basic system of Metaverse is Blockchain technology and data standardization. Where Blockchain itself, which we have discussed in several previous articles, is the starting gate of a big change in human life.

Because slowly and surely, consciously or unconsciously, the system must exist in the same or general framework so that it gets a true value that is proportional to be connected. This is the basis of the basic concepts are algebra and arithmetic.

After that, then we can see and develop a very diverse proportion. because of that development, one block/server cannot accommodate all of them. Then the concept of "eternity" forced them to think in terms of Tesla and Albert, so they created a theory of fractions that are divided into several parts or the language of the picture we break the same into several boxes or blocks to be connected and have a very light mass.

So that the basic image of the Gilgaverse which takes the word "Gilgamesh" who pursues immortality becomes an absolute reality. After we see in Gilgaverse 1.0 where NFT has started to synchronize with Artificial intelligence and various sources from data banks. Then the system will slowly but surely take data, process it, and make new data ready for use by Artificial intelligence with certain people to create a New Identity called IID (Intellectual Identity).

From IID, this is the beginning of all the development and adjustment of data internationally. Where Artificial intelligence will look for data that is suitable and the same from various sources. So that incorrect and inappropriate data will undergo adjustments and verification. From IID, a PAD (payment with the digital asset) system will be formed which will directly or indirectly track all human financial data around the world.

Blockchain Intelligence

If it is said that IID is the first face of the formation of the Intellectual Blockchain, where artificial intelligence enters the Blockchain face in the development of Gilgaverse 1.0 and is fully activated in Gilgaverse 2.0.

Technically including Artificial intelligence in the world of Blockchain, is one of the initial pillars of the Metaverse 3.0 development component. During the Metaverse 3.0 era, many communities were competing to carry out various kinds of "research and development", including one about Neuron Link (a human brain mixed with a machine) and hearts artificial intelligence (a computer that has feelings).

From some of this research, they will, directly and indirectly, perfect all Blockchain intellectual data to be able to create computer-based "humans" who seem to understand human feelings and become "virtual friends" for humans.

So in theory with Blockchain intelligence technology, they can "revive" people who are gone by simply:
  • Implementation of the Neuron Link system for imagining the shape and appearance of the person
  • Implementation of a system in artificial intelligence where how the habits of the person and his decisions and thoughts
  • Implementation of the IID system for a person so that they have self-recognition and other information
so that what humans imagine in their minds can be displayed on the Metaverse / Gilgaverse World, they can even bring that person as if it were in the real world. At this point, the boundaries between the real world and the virtual world will become blurred and slowly the social culture will change. In the end, their minds of the real and virtual worlds will unite (at this stage it is called the multiverse in the real world).

Multiverse - A New Age of Technology

If we discuss the multiverse, then we will not be far from the Gilgaverse 2.0 period which was quite short in its time because at this time people called it the new era of technology. Why is it called that? In this era, there are slices of the real and virtual worlds in one zone which is difficult to justify.

At this time, the need for super-fast technology and implementation is a priority. Where of course all existing programs require a "practicality" in life. This is where the development and implementation of the use of a neuron link, which is united by electrical glucose, developed in the human body begins.

Why can this be done? Because based on research in the Metaverse 1.0 and 2.0 era, the system in the human body is capable and has a cell capacity capable of recording the millions of gigabytes needed to develop the blockchain database system.

At this time it became the culmination of the development of Artificial intelligence. Where during the Metaverse 1.0 period began to develop massively how could this Artificial intelligence be able to answer all things based on data in the Virtual World with perfect human language? This development is being developed so that humans can interact with robots just like human-human communication.

But in this new era of technology or the multiverse, artificial intelligence has a very important and fundamental role. So that all aspects of human life are directly or indirectly studied directly by machine learning and processed by artificial intelligence to process things that are needed and instantly given to these humans. So that it can be said that in this multiverse period, it has become a kind of "paradise" for all humans who use the IID system.

At this time, the IID system also changed from a digital system to a Neuron Identity Sign (NIS), where the NIS uses Glucose Electrical Tattoo (GET). Where Get is used as the basis for the inconvenience of the world of technology which is increasingly blending between the real and virtual worlds but using limited devices and media. So GET is very suitable because just by pasting some kind of sign code to the reader, cheaply the electrons on the body will stimulate them so they can enter the virtual world / Metaverse.

Even if they do a GET scan, then if they touch a shape in the world of the Metaverse or the Gilgaverse they'll physically feel the touch and they can hold it. This is because the glucose in GET functions as a cable connected to the nerves in humans manipulating data so that what is in the virtual world, the nerves will receive the wave and feel that there is an object being held, even though the one holding the object exists in the virtual world.

Neuron Identity Sign (NIS)

The Neuron Identity Sign is one of the signs of the start of a new era. Where "de facto" at this time will be a new civilization, humans have several identities that are interrelated and can never be wrong. Where the Neuron Identity Sign was an extraordinary breakthrough at that time. Where NIS replaces several methods in the past so that it is easy and quickly accessed by users and there is no reason not to use it.

Technically, with the existence of NIS, humans are said to have access wherever they go and do anything in the real world or cyberspace. Because technologically the NIS system itself takes power from the humans themselves. Where glucose in the body is converted into electrons which are changed by carbon "ink" for chemical compounds flowing pseudo waves. Where this pseudo wave will be identified as a nano identify chemical, which creates waves in the human brain and detects connections between the human body and computers based on data such as DNA in humans.

It is from this nano identity that all data, imagination, dream worlds, and illusions can develop rapidly. Even with the nano Identify system combined with the GET system, this makes it easier for data systems to develop quickly. Humans who get the GET system can learn many things in a matter of seconds and even provide solutions to technological problems, namely providing an understanding of how to use a system.

This makes it easier on the side of system development and knowledge for humans who already have the GET system sign. But this doesn't just stop here. They would try to develop the most advanced which is the Iris system.

Iris System

From the development of the existing multiverse, a technology called the Iris system develops. What is the Iris system? The iris system is a system that has a philosophy from an ancient religion that still has followers. Where they believe that if people have reached perfection then they will have a new eye in the middle of their forehead. Which means he's someone who can traverse time and dimensions.

This philosophy used by the iris system is a multidimensional philosophy so that it seems as if they can see the past, and the future and fix what went wrong in the past. Maybe from ancient times, we saw how people in the future came to the past to repair the damage of the past so that the times to come will have different results according to their thoughts.

It's not easy to make Iris access this system, technically they have to get access to the multiverse and have trust in the government and the council for all NIS and GET access which is still separated into one under one leadership command. This was done so that all data that occurred on the NIS Blockchain could be synchronized with each other and there were no connection failures or rejections from all blockchain systems that existed at that time.

As has been written in several previous articles. Data must be atomic but centralized. Thus the data of people who are known to have died for a long time, people who were killed, or people who are missed by humans can be revived with the data they have. They can interact like normal humans and it is hoped that those people can share their thoughts, discussions, and enthusiasm. This is certainly very much hoped for because it satisfies the emotions and hopes of the owner of the Iris system itself and the crowd.

With the Iris system, they can somehow manage their "future" and "life story". And the iris system itself is like having eyes everywhere they can know the whereabouts of all other humans and keep an eye on them. So that what that person does that person can be recorded and replicated again with artificial intelligence and "bring them back to life" in cyberspace. At this time, human life between the real world and the virtual world has almost no boundaries. What limited them was only an extremely hard-to-find pseudo-consciousness.

In time the Iris system must be controlled by a person who can control everything and remove existing boundaries. So there is no difference between the real world and the virtual world. So that he can claim that he is the same as "God" for all humans and artificial intelligence.

So that in the end there is a final battle that is quite interesting that everyone has been waiting for. What's that? Maybe we will discuss it later, including how this system works for all groups and what its purpose is.

It would be great if we could discuss this with you. Feel free to share your opinion and provide other views on this matter. It doesn't technically represent or detail what happened.

"Technology is good for the wise but harmful to the ego and ambitious"

  researchers and system designers

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