Monday, August 8, 2022

Quantum Data Similar / QDS (Metaverse and Gilgaverse) - Indonesia Idea and Concept

Data continues to grow and if it is not controlled, it will result in very uncontrollable - Leonard Kleinrock - 

In the previous article entitled "The Development of the Metaverse and the Gilgaverse (part 1)", we discussed how data is formed, its benefits, and its different characters. One of the things we discussed yesterday was NFT, smart contract, and Coin.

Indeed, we have learned that data slowly but surely will continue to develop its use and evolve into a system that has a significantly different storyline. So from the different storylines, a "timeline" of the story is determined to develop data. 


In 1880, is the beginning of data Herman Hollerith began to look for a basic system of calculating data. This is due to the news or stories that are not good due to the American presidential election at that time.  

So that at this time created a tool called a tabulating machine with punch paper. As initial data, it is still very concise and simple. From here the data slowly increased, especially in the use of machines created by Herman Hollerith, so in 1911, H. Hollerith merged with several companies based on data processing companies that were directly supervised by American policy authorities at that time. The company was named CTR company (Computing Tabulating Recording) which held the first database of data, especially data related to the government. 

The company's CTR is constantly evolving and constantly adapting to demand at scale. And it's getting more and more complicated to extract the essence of that data. So in 1924, the CTR company changed to IBM (International Business Machine). The name change was due to a suggestion from the largest shareholder of CTR company at that time.

At that time, under great pressure from the largest shareholder of the IBM company, Herman ran his business by relying on centralized data processing with high complexity and global scale (a computerized data system was born). This made Herman openly reject and strongly oppose the idea. Because according to Herman, the act violated the basic principles he had held so far. 

With the centralized computerization of data, there will be a "big crash" in all fields. This will threaten some of the roles that form the basis of the development of the data calculation itself. 

But what happened, IBM remained gradual with the concept so that IBM became the largest data computerization of its time. And in its development, IBM has many competitors in developing computer system players. But with IBM's "ideology" developing rapidly. So that IBM became one of the pioneers of the birth of a centralized data collection system with very high complexity in its day. 

Big Crash 

Often with developments and times that are constantly changing. What Herman Hollerith worried about happened, that with the "idiology" brought by IBM, the system slowly evolved into a centralized data system based on computerization to become a data mapping system based on atomic systems. 

Where this all changed after the birth of Windows and Mac Os. Where these two operating systems have capabilities that resemble IBM but have more graphics so that they are easier to understand and are preferred by users. It was at this time that the system within IBM was forced to change with a focus on centralized data mapping. 

But it is not easy, so IBM inevitably submits to the atomic system which conceptually has changed IBM's business style from centralized data to the existing atomic data system. 

From here, IBM slowly dimmed from a centralized data system and developed a dedicated internet-based data center (Servers). From here, IBM slowly changed the system from an individual business to a collaborative business. Because IBM knows the development of data is getting faster and faster, with atomic systems Then the data is getting bigger and faster and also evolving, they can't be too late from the fast track of change. 

So after the "Big Crash" happened everywhere, then a data observer and the father of the internet (Leonard Kleinrock) slowly began to voice again to restore the basic nature of data into centralized data. Where data in this world can be collected and processed further. Because according to him, the data in the world must be controlled, otherwise it will become a boomerang someday. 

The boomerang that Leonard Kleinrock is referring to is uncontrolled data and corrupting existing programs that need it. But this also met resistance from several people who voiced "I can Speak of Freedom" which was initiated by the maxim which we now know as "freedom of speech". 

Where maxim talks about freedom to access data, freedom of opinion, and various other things (this phenomenon strengthens the freedom to inform and get information - open source). This slowly and massively gave rise to various groups that shared data information and how to use a program for free. They create groups that require all members to share information and provide development of the existing system. This causes a "Big Crash" which is quite large, where there are thousands of data generated in different formats. 

Open source

What was voiced maxim also received positive responses and support from a number of influential people at that time? One of the famous figures is Charles Babbage, who at that time Charles got the title of the father of computers who had services for the creation of Microsoft and Mac OS. 

So slowly some programmers are slowly and secretly creating a small community to share information about a program. But this is where the concept of "hackers" comes from, where this community can run programs that are supposed to be of commercial value to the company, distributed free of charge by all. But the "hackers" think this program should be given away for free for greater use. 

This has become a fairly fierce debate between the company and the "hackers" group. So another program was born that has the same function and is free. The name of the program is Linux which was introduced in 1991 by Linus Torvalds. This is a way of protesting these groups to large corporations that commercialize existing data. 

This makes Microsoft and Mac Os think and how to slow down the pace of this Linux. There are several ways that are done by these two companies. One of them is by creating a paid continuous system for all programs installed on the OS. This is done by Mac os to be more exclusive than its opponents. 

In contrast to Microsoft, where he worked together to create a language system that makes it easier for a programmer to create the data needed. Besides, Microsoft cooperates with several software companies (including IBM - as a Microsoft-based server system) which is used for the OS. This is slowly changing the mapping of the use of operating systems in the world, where the system that is used is inevitably Microsoft. 

While Linux gathers people who have the same vision and point of view. Thus creating a system that is almost similar to Microsoft to compete and enlarge their understanding/ideology that all systems must be open and can be accessed as widely as possible. 

But understanding what Linux does is not easy. They understand the old theory which says that in the world system there is a power system that controls everything. In the end, they began to be able to develop bit by bit to the user and the development of other programs. 

In the end, Linux systems change their working system by combining the way that is done by Microsoft and Mac OS. They cooperated with Google, which at that time was still a small company and did not yet have the power to develop data systems (atomic data cycle).

Linux slowly uses google indirectly to help the development of existing data (this is where the term "open source" comes from). And this is getting a very good response from google users. They can search for data and develop existing data to be able to share, view, and develop more. 

From here "open source" became king And began to gain great prestige. Even slowly and surely they change the way of life of people who rely on Google in their daily lives. 

Google is also slowly continuing to develop this open source system by entering the Android market which can be developed easily and connected to a Google account. It continues to grow and continues to innovate for users to help develop centralized atomic data. 

From the data that has been sent by all Google accounts to the server, it is managed by Google to carry out a thorough data mapping. This comprehensive data will later be re-used by Google accounts that require even further development/update by other Google accounts. 

This is the basic principle of Quantum Data Similar developed by "W3" / Blockchain data. At that time, the data could still be slowly changed, including in terms of data that should be universal data that many people should know. Then slowly appeared blockchain data.

Blockchain data

Together with the birth of cryptocurrency, the concept of blockchain technology is slowly being matured. Where the blockchain data slowly enters the conventional system and encourages the conventional system to become a data blockchain that uses the concept of an atomic data system. 

Although in the process of adopting this system, it became controversial at first. But this system continues to grow and slowly but surely comes in. And indirectly the same data begin to be put together. The unified data has a connection from one parent to another parent. 

Even with a good presentation and implementation concept, the atomic system is still in doubt from the security system. But this anxiety slowly began to be overcome with several companies starting to create strong Blockchain-based security systems. One that plays for It is IBM. 

By IBM, the blockchain itself is divided into several sectors which have a fairly high complexity for certain circles. For the public sector, they use the method: 

  • "join and validation" where this security system frees all data transactions recorded in the connected system. 
  • "Permissioned blockchain" where the system requires approval from certain security persons/data to gain access to the transaction data. 
  • "Permissionless blockchains" where this system works for certain circles and does not open access to the public at all 
  • "Private blockchains" where the system relies heavily on one data where only one data can access that data.

From these 4 methods, there is a different treatment of the system itself and forms an atomic system into a centralized atomic system. According to their use, the "Permissionless blockchains" and "Private blockchains" systems are prepared for state data documents and state security. While all other country documents use "Permissioned Blockchain" and "Join and Validation" are used for all systems on the whole world network.  

But it should be noted that all existing data is carried out on the same network and requires a large database. So that made a network system and the largest server at that time. And they call it QDS (Quantum Data Similar). 

Quantum Data Similar 

Where QDS is a development program of Blockchain products adapted so that conventional data systems can state existing data at the beginning and will definitely convert to "new" data so that they can be used and developed in new systems. 

In 2020, slowly and surely the data began to be converted into combined data that is interconnected. Especially with the pandemic, making the development of centralized atomic and atomic systems a must. This has an impact not only on socio-cultural but also on the development of data processing systems that are more specific and combined in the same line. 

This indirectly makes the existing data have atomic branches that are interconnected with the recording system and everything is controlled in a straight line. So inevitably, the existing data will slowly change the form of singular data into "multiverse" data. Because the data will develop into several lines and one of them is when the data is developed in the Gilgaverse. 

One data and a new order

The development of one data has actually been going on since 2000 when many concepts have been developed and tried in the application of this one data. And indeed in certain cases, it is still considered unreasonable and a waste of money. 

But often with time and the development of the era, API technology is slowly developed making it easier to connect with one another. And until some time in the future, this API system will be used as a protocol to connect and enter the system that is called by other systems to enter or perform a data transaction. 

Actually, the essence of the atomic system is the development and linking of one data with other data around the world in order to have a single data unit as a whole with a single act (single submission, single data, single information). And this is the true Quantum Data Similar, where one data can stand alone and be related to one another.  

The existing data will cumulatively develop into a complete system and become the basis for forming a strong baseplate to enter the Metaverse 3.0 system leading to Gilgaverse. With the development of very fast data and the more complete the data, the more dense the data will be and the further its use. So many data experts call it the "oil mine of the future".

Gilgaverse QDS 

After a large amount of data is collected on this "data tank" or large data server it can be stable and receive data normally. So at that time the Gilgaverse project / the immortality project began to run and develop as this data can perform its function to provide data results that can be used by humans even in this day and age it is a decision-making system that starts to apply permanently. 

The decision-making system in the Gilgaverse era will apply because at this time humans thought that the system could take the best path based on solid data that had been processed with the best diagrams and algorithms for the best interests that had been determined. 

In the Gilgaverse system, the prevailing system is considered a "god" who without exception can provide absolute justice (human pseudo justice - discussed in "Culture and New World Order") to the data or humans recorded in their database. Because according to them, what is directed at even justice to the data is an objective truth that becomes a solid pillar. 

Even in subsequent developments, the human value seems to be below the value of the data which is an important part in the development of data analysis such as state data and the value of conspiracy in the development of the data.

In the end, humans themselves cannot distinguish between true truth and absolute truth. Because indeed in the Metaverse data as a comparison, truth is a written and recorded fact. The data recorded and written during the Metaverse and Gilgaverse refers to the QDS data that has been connected and has thousands of data that cannot be counted. So that anyone even humans themselves does not deny it. 

We will discuss what happened in Gilgaverse 2.0 in our next discussion, even because of this QDS, in the future humans will not need to make their food again with existing fruits and vegetables. They only eat from food extracts that are in the form of powder/powder they are looking for. The food we eat is just ordinary but when we eat it is scanned and eaten into very delicious food that can be eaten with us in the Metaverse and Gilgaverse worlds. It also refers to the sense of taste developed in the world of the Gilgaverse.  

For the rest we will discuss in the next, continue?

  researchers and system designers

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