Thursday, July 21, 2022

Make Digital Bring The water - Indoneisa Idea and Concept


Water is a commodity that is indispensable in everyday life. And commodities become very fatal for human life. Moreover, clean water is a commodity that is quite expensive in terms of even basic management into good water for daily needs.

In Indonesia, especially for us, Jakarta is a place that really needs special attention for this water problem. We know that the need for water in big cities in Indonesia is very large and even extraordinary. But this is often taken lightly by people by taking water from the ground using a jet pump or the like. This causes further problems, namely land subsidence and the entry of seawater into the land.

but on the other hand, for connection water customers there are problems where the water is always small, water problems that make the water turn off suddenly, and water that is increasingly expensive and inconvenient in terms of informing the amount of water used by customers.

This is what makes people will intentionally or unintentionally take groundwater as a middle way and take lightly the problems that will arise in the future

Basic system repair

In principle, any company must have a digital roadmap based on real-time. Where every water collection post and water receiving post has an automatic information system that can inform the water level directly and give warnings to officers if the water has decreased water flow below standard and does not flow in the delivery pipe.

In principle, this can be done by Hulu. By utilizing an online system that can be installed at the Hulu air post. And it will be a problem how to get the information in the introduction pipe.

This can be overcome by a kinetic turbine system installed at certain points. Where the delivery water goes well it will spin the waterwheel and produce kinetic electricity. Now this kinetic electricity must be connected to the downstream port. And at the downstream post, the data is automatically entered into the digital system in real-time.

The data must be automatically accessible by mobile through customer accounts and mobile applications. This will certainly reduce customer disappointment over the absence of information related to customer water. This can also be combined with the "Jaki" application so that users/residents of Jakarta can access information easily.

Making water savings

The basis of the source of clean water is the water itself, where the water flows, and how to collect the water itself. This is a thing that is not easy for anyone to get a sustainable system without group support or a symbiotic mutualism dam system.

The mutualism symbiotic dam system is a system of filtering water from various sources automatically which produces water that is ready to be processed in the upstream water. This water can be from large water channels or small channels that are prepared to deposit particles carried by water.

In this system, a company or container that must be tunneled must utilize "Vortex filtration" based technology to perform stirring so that unwanted particles can be sucked into the sewer / other treatment of these particles.

the flowed water must not be interrupted and continue to be filled, and if it experiences a decrease, the system at the upstream post will sound and will open other water sources so that water can continue to be filled properly without a shortage of supply. If there is a shortage of supply, then water sources from other places such as large waterways / small waterways / even sea water in other areas can flow into this dam or water reservoir quickly.

Recording system development

The meter recording system so far uses people or meter officers who go around to record and surround the housing in order to get the actual meter data from the existing water meter.

This can be further developed with a kinetic-based automatic recording system. Where this system can use water flow as kinetic electricity to turn on information on the amount of water used and notify if there is damage or water does not flow properly.

This can also be supported by an application that can independently scan customer numbers and connect them to the device. Even the application system can also be connected to the downstream post if there is damage or water does not come out. So that officers can immediately take a role to check and improve the existing water system.
Maintenance system development
If we look at all of this, it is actually very helpful for the company and officers to be able to provide the best service to all customers and respond quickly to public complaints.

For further development, the existing system must continue to evolve into a virtual reality system. Where the system can be checked in real-time by the central team by only looking at the existing data holograms.

This will also serve as an image to the team who work to always use updated data transformation media or the internet to make it easier for the public to access data privately and transparently.


The development of water services must go hand in hand with technological developments that are increasingly fast and make it easier for the public to be able to access and know what is happening, including reporting water in the same hand. Although it is not easy to do this quickly, it is really necessary for PDAM to continue to develop and transform several existing systems into a digital system as a whole. So that people will feel to get good and comprehensive information.


We hope that PDAM will continue to grow and always start from a small, small scope which is the place for Research and Development of every program that is developed. So that services to the community can be better and continue to develop with a technology culture that is getting faster and simpler.

  researchers and system designers

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