Monday, December 20, 2021

Virtual Technology Changes (Metaverse until Multiverse) - Indonesia Idea and Concept

Humans will not be able to survive if no system unifies all data so that it can be accessed and processed further.

Recording and data

Data is a word that has received serious attention from ancient times until today. The data originates from the era of living humans who are sent verbally / words/stories or pictures on cave walls as reminders and markers of certain things.

For thousands of years, the data used has changed little by little so that data can slowly be collected into a historical record that can be studied. Data has also experienced "escape" in its journey, but slowly that history can be rediscovered and become research material for the next.

In development, history has experienced development in terms of utilization in terms of functions and benefits. Where history is applied as initial data that is always studied, so that it becomes a kind of guide for behavior and experience for humans in the future. This is done so that humans do not have to repeat old mistakes or look for the same data again and develop from existing data into new, better data that is by the times and human needs at that time.

Data and Conspiracies

From historical data, we see so much data that changes a lot from the actual data. This happens because there are several factors, one of the factors is the loss of data, namely the disconnection of data information or there are parties or individuals who intentionally eliminate the data.

This is very unfortunate because historical data is primary data on human tracks and all their activities. So that what was bad in the past can be anticipated and good data can continue to be developed for bigger things and facilitate the lives of many people.

Several factors cause data loss to cause conspiracy theories to develop freely and fake news/hoaxes to continue to grow wildly. Even if there is data that is covered up / conspiracy, then primary data must still exist and be stored neatly in government primary data and must become public data after 1000 years.

This ensures that all data must be registered by the state so that all pure data can be traced properly. And if there is a need to track data for certain purposes, it can be accessed with applicable provisions

Digital data

In the era of 2000, with the rapid and massive development of technology. So directly or indirectly bring these data to enter the new world of the universe. Where the data is directly or indirectly connected to each other centrally or atomically connected.

Where digital data will directly or indirectly bring up all data from various sources that are interconnected between one ministry and another. So that there is no overlapping and the existing data can complement each other from one data to another.

In completing the data, 2 things were done in 2000, namely:

  • Centralized data

Centralized data is data that has the same 1 server/container where the data will become a very complete whole. So it is very easy to access and very responsive.

But the weakness of centralized data is that the more data, the more difficult it is to access or ensure data. On the other hand, if one piece of data can be hijacked then all data will be seen easily.

  • Atomic data

Atomic data is data based on a single numbering system as an identity. Wherewith atomic data can be broken down and very difficult to be hijacked by other parties. Where the data will be data that is interconnected to connect with other data.

The weakness of this data system is that there is a possibility that everyone will make a path there which allows the server to be heavier and from the hardware side it will increase the server and the mechanism for connecting/linked.

If we choose atomic data, it requires cooperation and a fairly mature plan between one user and another. Another thing is the total cooperation in the distribution of servers for one document and another.

So that there is no overlapping / colliding between one data and another / one data destroying other data. So for servers, it is highly recommended to use 3/8 cloud servers that have or are set up for the same data cohesion in a matter of milliseconds.

Of course, this is not an easy thing and also not something to be afraid of because of the security problems and complications that occur. But with this atomic system, it will be difficult for irresponsible people to retrieve data.

But in 2000, the opposite happened, they used centralized data where many didn't understand the basics of this atomic system. They only see from the simple structure of the network and the funds issued by the government and the private sector in processing the existing data.

Data transformation

When 2019 was the year of data transformation, it began to be developed into an atomic system with a web-based approach. Whereas Google, Facebook, Uber, and many more. And it was only in 2020 that the reformation in data transformation kicked off human life again.

In an atmosphere of a pandemic that is quite great, people are surprised and look for communication tools and fast technology. So that's where the reformation in data transformation becomes the answer. Where according to some sources in just 5 months atomic technology can be perfectly absorbed by the public.

It is not only absorbed but the pattern of life and culture changes according to the use of atomic data that is more massive and faster. From there began to develop another atomic system called data synergy.

When it is entered on a larger scale, then the power of atomic data becomes a burdensome thing. This is because atomic data still relies on one server. This makes a server that has a large capacity will find a full point of data.

So in 2020, the idea arose to make atomic data on a large scale called data synergy or what we know as the blockchain. The idea of the blockchain itself existed in 1997 where this concept was used in computer systematics to back up data with one another. But with the development of existing technology in 2009, It is used as a basic concept on data in finance.


This has widened to the formation of an independent currency based on Blockchain. Where it makes some people who understand this try and make it come true with Bitcoin. If we go deeper, Bitcoin is not just a currency, but a massive implementation of atomic data.

The term Blockchain technology is getting bigger and bigger and makes some people aware that many people are making independent "currency" systems. Where the independent "currency" system cannot stand alone, but this system is still based on a p2p or borrowing basis and buying and selling structure in the capital market. Where "currency" is independent as a commodity that has not been able to replace the conventional currency.

but with the developments and revolutions that occurred on a large scale in 2020, the Blockchain system is developing and indirectly becoming a system that is not just borrowing and borrowing but becoming the development of a larger Blockchain system. One of them is smart contracts.

Smart contracts

The smart contract is a term used to create technology-based contracts that develop from atomic systems and the Blockchain itself.

Where if you use one of the Ethereum-based cryptocurrencies, then we see that the world's health and technology policies around the world will begin to switch from paper to digital. The contra was not entrusted to 2 "parties" but millions of "parties" recorded this with data that could be seen in an atomic system.

In the development of smart contract activities, this will get a very extraordinary place. And from here it all started, when the contract was digital and all agreements/data collections were done atomically. Then the system starts running quickly or slowly but surely enters other lines of life. One of them is art (music, pictures, stories) and technology that has intellectual property into an intellectual contract


Intellectual contracts, maybe we rarely hear but we often hear in recent years about NFT. NFTs are digital assets that represent real-world assets. It's like a digital certificate/contract for those who have photos, videos, or other virtual forms. This will be recorded on the blockchain. Once it is encrypted on the blockchain, other parties cannot duplicate or replicate the asset.

This makes it very possible for all data in the real world or intellectual assets to switch to digital form which will have the code or ownership of the item. So that the goods can be placed in a place / real goods and only the contract/ownership is brought or recorded in the system.

This is the same thing that has been going on since 2000 with the basis being stocked. Only the technology used at that time was only government-based. So many institutions monitored its movements. On the other hand, stocks have economic value because they are based on financial statements/economic markets (moving value). While NFT is further than that because NFT has no real value like the value of art, technology, and many others. Like this one : 

So that the movement of this NFT will later be caught by the company that will create a living order that must be able to retrieve and accommodate all existing atomic data so that it can accept all Blockchain system developments and developments. This is evidenced by the existence of the Metaverse.


Maybe this one word is still warm in our ears. Where one company changed its name to Meta. It puts everyone's eyes on the company and frowns on what the future holds. This is not a new thing, in 1992 in scientific physics books.

This was stated in the following years to be a game based on human life and its surroundings. Where this game provides a simulation to humans and the universe of what will happen and if this happens. Even in the early 2000s, many people, including children, played this game, so the world was in an uproar. One of the games at that time was the Sims and Tamagotchi.

This continues to grow, so RPG games are found where they provide a million possibilities so that the game's humans can live and have a will like the player's will. Where the development of RPG games continues to develop with RPG games that can buy and sell game items. There was even a phenomenon at that time that game items could be sold by players for real money. This has become a worrying phenomenon for associations of parents and children around the world. Because the value of the transaction is not a small value but a very large value.

This was also protested by parents and in the end in 2018 this protest disappeared because RPG and game technology activists gave big competitions and prizes so that it became a promising profession in the future. Even during the technology revolution and data transformation, they are forced to enter and follow the culture and systems of the technology.

And when Blockchain and NFT continue to develop, then a system technology that is hungry and continues to develop acquires the use of Blockchain and NFT in one container. Where the atomic system is used by the RPG system to be brought into the real virtual world or better known as the Metaverse.

The current Metaverse evolves with the Power of an atomic RPG system that allows the use of artificial intelligence to track and manage the Maya environment around the user. In this system, of course, NFT will be equipped with the duty as a marker of ownership in cyberspace.

This is in line with the basic development of cyberspace which focuses on freedom for everything. With the current NFT, it is only a certified intellectual property collection, where real goods will be stored in a safe and good place but ownership can be traded as collectibles/trading items.

This metaverse is the first step of a revival of a more complex human-machine system in the Gilgaverse and even the Multiverse. Many people think that the Metaverse is the beginning of death from real life. Where the Metaverse tries to bring the real world to the virtual world in a game world based on the atomic RPG system. Metaverse will try to move all the senses into the virtual world/computer.

But what happens in the world of the Metaverse itself will be a strong impetus for controlling the system to a centralized atomic system. This cannot be separated from the government trying to take a role in the atomic system which is quite complex and has many dependencies between one system and another.

Gilgaverse / Gigaverse 

When the atomic RPG system is disturbed by a centralized system that exists in the real world. So this atomic system develops with a centralized atomic system where the entire system performs a blockchain system and the government as a regulator tries to control the existing system so that it cannot create chaos.

But what happened in the Gilgaverse period, pushed society to divide where one side of humans began to seek strength by combining the system with humans themselves (human-machine). Where they began to invest their lives in a system that ultimately made human life immortal as living data.

Where people who should no longer exist are resurrected in data that can think and develop independently what is needed to develop. Where in this stage, the value of NFT also develops. NFT is not only a collectible item but it can be used in everyday life.

During this time they also developed hardware that was in their body that could record all their activities automatically, track their whereabouts, and activate everything. Not using a thick form but in the form of a transmission tattoo that is safer. Transmission tattoos are also made of sugar network which is quite safe in combination with small carbon that can provide independent access to the user.

At that time also emerged the Gilgal movement that would oppose the Gilgaverse. They strongly disagree with this, because according to them the system has the potential for incorrect movement. Because. The system has a very dangerous government role. On the one hand, a centralized atomic system is contrary to the principles of the Blockchain itself.

But directly and indirectly, the Gilgaverse system is getting stronger, even with the 30% government power in the system making the whole community inevitably join the system. Because the system will help the government to find the data they need.

Because the system not only has strong centralized atomic data but personal biometric cell data has also been systematically recorded. So overall, human data began to be recorded in great detail because of the transmission tattoos that had been implanted.

At this time, simulations of the creation and application of artificial intelligence will begin in combination with the DNA of people who have died. So they go to school to live and live like humans in the real world that is Maya (Metaverse development). this will continue to push humans into the world of the Multiverse.


Multiverse maybe we often hear a movie at Marvel studio. Where the multiverse is described as a world that runs together with different storylines. In that story, we see how a superhero ( Doctor Strange ) can open a portal to another dimension and with that spell/magic. And we say another superhero (Thor) said that spells/magic is an undiscovered technology.

It is a snippet of the very popular 2000 science fiction story created by Marvel Studios. But if you look at it in more detail, the real multiverse is many "worlds" that have become one in human life itself. Where human dreams can live forever, go to several places without having to leave home, meet loved ones even though they are gone, feel everything that has not been felt, and much more.

And if we look at the technology side of the atomic system, which we have discussed quite a bit, this system already allows humans to interact with the hologram projector. Where the hologram projector is an artificial intelligence system that has developed not only as a system but also artificial intelligence that can control decisions and affect humans.

Where the system is called combining the real side of human life with the side - the side of life that is not real. Where humans are faced with a fast and instant life. So humans will prefer to combine their strengths with logic and technological systems.

Humans will live in a world that they create themselves by considering artificial intelligence that is like a respected human (hologram projector) and modification of their bodies with technology (human-machine). So that their lives will be completely controlled by the system they make according to their ideal values.

Is the multiverse dangerous? The judgment that took place at that time was extremely harmless. But creating an "idealistic world" is a necessity in their life. But the word "ideal" itself is not ideal. Because at that time it was the people who had the network and controlled the system that would shape that idealistic precession and affect everyone. And anyone who disagrees with the system will be expelled from the system.

And if removed from the system, then that person will be considered to have no ideals and will be called a rebel / some kind of criminal who must be removed from the system. In this multiverse era, all technologies will be aligned to achieve one straight line. Where all humans living in this system must have a transmission tattoo and live in a virtual world controlled by the Iris system.

Iris system

The Iris system is the last in the multiverse. Because the Iris system is the pinnacle of human control with data. And this is still a question will humans live or only humans who obey the system will live? The Iris system is a total world control system. Where humans can not reject the data at all. This may seem crazy,

but this is what will happen. Technology has reached the end of its development. The question is where were you when the Iris system was activated???

A developing system has value and its benefits must be controlled

  researchers and system designers

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