Friday, April 3, 2020

Coronavirus: Social / Physical Distance, Online, Data union - Indonesia Idea and Concept

"Everything is written ...... what is written will be done and will never fail"

Have you ever read the article "Covid-19: plague or scenario"? If not, please read first by clicking the link here. After you read the article above what do you think? Do you think who designed this? is this a design or just a coincidence? Let us begin to see and learn from this incident from various angles : 

1) Social / Physical Distancing

We see first what is social/physical distancing, according to some reliable sources are social restrictions or keep a distance between social creatures to stop or slow the spread of disease.

In fact, according to some scientists, even the WHO states that social/physical distancing is a short-term solution at this time.

If we look at the Coronavirus which is harmful to humans today it is forcing people to inevitably or dislike it for humans to stay away from existing social life. When we talk about this incident and everything that happens around it, the prediction by some experts, that socio-culture in humans will turn into disregard for the environment and life around.

Where human social culture is forced to change from social and get used to being independent (social/physical distancing), will continue to think for how to make the system automatically work alone without the need for the presence of people or self-service.

By cutting the old system and applying the system to work automatically, the money earned will be more, the operational burden is less, and people who need it will come alone to the place that has been appointed / can use the application on a smartphone. Even in some countries have started implementing the use of robots to replace humans, especially now with a situation that requires distance.

If we analyze a little of what we can, this kind of situation is an almighty scenario. According to the writer is one of the fulfillments in Paul's second letter to Timothy saying that "Know that in the last days difficult times will come. Humans will love themselves and become servants of money."

So, in the end, we can conclude with the social/physical distancing will generate thoughts on how to create an individual-based system. With this individual basis system, then all matters relating to financial problems will certainly continue to develop and the human ego for wealth will further develop.

2) Online

If we look at the basic system that connects a lot of people is growing from 2000 until now and in 2012 the start of social media, so that people from any part of the world can meet virtually and share stories and information quickly.

Even in 2018 video call technology is developing and getting better, which is only by using our smartphone. So that the smallest news we can hear and follow always.

But in early 2020, there was a turning point in the field of online technology. Where people become very surprised and need it. When the Coronavirus arrives and more precisely infects active people, one of the things the government asks is to work and learn from home. Thus reducing direct interaction and deciding the spread of the Coronavirus, but the economy continues to run well.

When we analyze the 2 points we have learned, distance and online technology-based systems (online systems) are a unity of a scenario, and if we can see in some scientific literature from several parts of the world show:
A) Humans must enter the virtual world.
B) All human activities will be recorded.
C) If it is not recorded, then it is wrong.
D) if you want to master something you must master the data.

So with the Coronavirus, it will become a big breakthrough to introduce and embed this online system to enter human life and become a culture in their daily lives.

So through this socio-cultural change, a system that has not yet been formed or has not yet been embedded in an online system will certainly instill an online system in various aspects of life and the work sector, even at the lowest strata.

3) Data Union

Data is a collection of information in any form that can be processed and can be used to make a decision and make the design and security of the next system.

Data is very valuable now, this is reinforced by several heads of state who state that data is more valuable than oil. With data, one can defeat and conquer a country.

Why did this happen? This happened because humans created an online system and forced all humans in 2010 to enter it. Even from information in various countries, the online system has been used in all sectors of life and data is the key to be recognized. And if there is no data then the person is not recognized and can even be a wrong/illegal action.

Maybe you read this to be a strange and dizzy thing. Based on that, this matter is discussed, because its complexity is very high and is rarely understood by everyone. So some people consider it useless data and even state a better relationship.

If we pay attention from the beginning and with the social/physical distancing, then the relationship is only limited to relations in the future. But the combination of systems and the completeness and complexity of data is the key to the formation of unity and unification of data throughout the world.

To find out about data, it's not easy to describe it with words and sentences. The author tries to explain with the following parable:

In 1970, a company A was established so company A would try to make products that people could need so that it wasn't he who always offered his goods but people would always look for his goods. Even company A will look for innovations and kill company B with company A's products that are better and cheaper. (At this time the data system is very ancient and classic [the era of discovery]: it requires a lot of costs, the law of the jungle occurs and requires hard thinking)

In 1998, company A was established, company A saw company B as good but needed funds. So company A communicates and relations with company B with something in return. Then company A sees the condition of company C again as company B, communication and relations are carried out. Likewise, with company B seeing company D, the same thing is done. (At this time the new data system found its identity [the era of relations]: it requires quite a lot of money, less effort, enough power to survive and control the territory)

In 2020, company A was established and saw company B as good, so he bought shares or invested 10% and collaborated on both sides. Then he saw company C again as company B, the same thing was done by buying shares or investing 15% in company C. In a condition company A needed additional capital, company Z would buy or invest company A by 20%. But company Z also invested in company B by 15%. Company Z is also an investment from company C and company G for example. (At this time the data system has found its pattern [the digital age]: it requires less money, very strong net-patterned power, ownership data is highly dispersed and supports each other.)

From these three conditions, we see that the online data system continues to grow and only certain people can hold the data and put it together, so the person who will master the data will master the financial sector, politics, and whatever fields exist in this world. This pattern will also be used in the socio-cultural field.

What is the process? Everything will be informed further. The most important thing is that now you know what is happening. Do you still panic ?? All decisions are in your hands.


1) it's time to build an online system and encourage all companies to build an online system in a country
2) it's time to build an online data system and a strong economic net with other companies.

But still, believe in those who have a scenario, then He knows best and protects those who believe in Him.

Bantu Samuel dalam penelitian :
Nih buat jajan

Samora Shopping Paradice

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