Saturday, March 21, 2020

Covid-19: plague or scenario - Indonesia Idea and Concept

At the end of 2019, there was an extraordinary outbreak that was exposed to a small country in Wuhan, China. Even like that, we can never know for sure where the virus was made and updated it is developing at this time.

If we look at some of the widely published news, many say that this virus started from a poor diet about eating animals that do not need to be eaten globally. But on the other hand, many say that this virus has developed by a group of people to refute or attack an area.

However, we look at the background when the global pandemic Covid-19, we also see what changed from the world community when the pattern of human life began today:

1) The World Will be Online

Believe it or not, covid-19 gives a lot of changes to the methods of learning, work, and worship that turn online.

With the method of learning at home, then all lessons will be given online so that it is fast and does not need to be painstaking to get up earlier to get to school.

In the future the world of education will be based on learning from anywhere, so that it is easy, fast, more efficient in assessment and who can develop a lesson will develop quickly by itself. Everything we seek about science can be obtained without difficulty. Because only with our fingers and voice we get information.

In the world of work, work from home or outside the office is possible. With covid-19, this will accelerate and force people to work outside the office (especially the home). This also applies to documents because all data in the form of hardcopy will quickly change to digital. Because covid-19 information is received that objects can deliver the virus.

In terms of worship, many places of worship begin to digitize religious services, although there are many pros and cons. With covid-19 in the community and being appealed by the government. So it was finally agreed by all religions that they could do it online. This can ultimately be done as it is.

2) Transactions Must be Digital

The end of the world lately is in a stir with electronic money (e-wallet). But we know that the trend of using e-wallets is declining, for one reason or another. But with covid-19, digital transaction transactions will increase again even in the future it will be the main / must to use it to reduce the risk of contracting the virus from other people in the future.

3) Everything Will is Recorded

We see with the two conditions that become the first sample to do something transactional and communicative in business and science must be digitalized. So the old or conservative way will and must be abandoned to catch up with development and information that is effective and fast.

One good way of digitizing is to record everything to enter the system and if you need that data then within seconds the data is already available and ready to be re-processed.

With covid-19, 50% of the data has entered the existing system. Because with the 2 conditions above and if it continues to be continued within 2-3 months. Then it becomes a new habit that will develop into a new culture for the community, including with one's record

4) The Economy will be Interconnected

When we face problems with covid-19, we realize that the economies of all countries are very vulnerable and seem to be controlled only by certain people. So there are extraordinary fears such as covid-19 and even trade wars, then all exchanges and various kinds of financial instruments pose a big threat and even interest rates are lowered to become a stimulus for finance.

When the first two conditions can work well, it even becomes a habit, especially becoming a culture. So with digital and of course, government policy can suggest even making a regulation that requires companies to have a large value or valuation can take several companies that have a smaller value or valuation and some start-ups.

When a company in a country can do that, then with the net method the company's economy should be stable and its workers have a connected emotion and can be safer in financial matters. Then the economy can sustain the rigors of various threats made externally and internally. This depends on how and what regulations are made by the government. So that it produces a strong net for the economy if it plunges.

After seeing some of the above, you still do not believe that covid-19 is a scenario of the almighty to deal with everything He says in the Scriptures.

I think the covid-19 problem will not have a big impact if you know and you understand fully. What was carried out and what would happen to covid-19 only encouraged the acceleration to change the pattern and socio-culture of all nations in the world.

Maybe you think that something like the above won't happen, so pay attention to the pattern and what will happen.

And if you already know, but panic then it's useless to read the above. But when you try to run and give direction or advice to everyone who has an interest in the government. Then you will run the scenario.

So covid-19, plague or scenario? Determine your answer now.


Bantu Samuel dalam penelitian :
Nih buat jajan

Samora Shopping Paradice

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