Monday, April 13, 2020

Economic recovery: Development of the economic net system - Indonesia Idea and Concept

The economy is one of the factors that have an impact on all factors. On the other place, the economic side is also often a big problem for the business world. because the business world has never had a strong system to survive the storms caused by the economy which have an impact on human factors.

In 2 articles before, we know that covid 19 (Coronavirus) makes the economy of almost all even all countries dizzy because it is on the verge of collapse. Many countries even make many extraordinary policies so that the economy does not fall apart.

But what is happening right now is that many companies are starting to get confused and do a lot of efficiency from a variety of factors including one of which is the dismissal of employees.

So what happens now is the unemployment that is large enough in a country. Thus increasing a substantial risk on a country's economy. Then how to respond to circumstances like this?

From some experiences that have existed in the world, namely:

1) Issuance of government bonds to provide a boost to the state budget For relaxing taxation and other economic factors (such as stimulus and emergency funds).

2) Conducting direct worldwide assistance and direct subsidies to several direct sectors

3) Maybe there are many more done by each government, this depends on how the government's attitude responds to the situation that occurs.

But in an era that is increasingly fast and dynamic, it becomes very effective even if we have a target that growth is good and stable in all conditions.

There are several methods that the author has conveyed on several occasions in the form of writing and digital forum forms, namely the development of an economic net system

This was conveyed by the author in the covid-19 article: outbreaks or scenarios and Coronaviruses: Social / Physical Distancing, Online, Data Union. In these 2 articles, the most important thing now is to involve all sectors to build a joint economy.

A) embrace small companies in the exchange

Where a company that has a large valuation value will help by acquiring several companies that have a valuation value with a minimum share of 10%.

In the author's view, this will help companies that have a small valuation value can learn in a variety of ways including development so that they can become large-validated companies and not be delisted from the exchange.

B) cross repurchases

This has been written in a previous article where companies that have large valuations exchange shares as during the buyback process (for private companies and government companies). Expectations by crossing buybacks between companies that have large valuations include:
1) Unity and openness of data
2) economic network unity
3) innovation and collaboration occur
4) can avoid termination of employment, because workers can be transferred to other companies.

  This requires government support to encourage companies that have certain valuations to enter the stock exchange and invest in certain companies to buy back shares, invest in other companies or for collaboration.

C) acquire small and medium businesses

The current concentration of government is what about small and medium businesses that are very vulnerable to all conditions that occur. Where small and medium businesses need support and support in real and material.

In the author's view, it would be nice if a company that has a large valuation and has already carried out a buyback and collaboration with other companies, they can make a program to acquire with the understanding that small and medium businesses in capital, guidance, and direction from the foundation or organization or collaboration company. So that it can be interconnected between small and medium companies with large companies. So that it can be guided into a small company

D) develop start-ups

The current development of start-ups may be lacking in support and only a small proportion of them will benefit from the development of start-ups who have acquaintances with large companies, thus.

The company can invest and can be used. This is very evident with some start-up companies that can grow and continue to be big in the end.

But according to the author, if a large company develops a start-up and uses its product start-up in small companies as well as small and medium-sized businesses and large companies will create a system that is sustainable with real data from the use of start-ups and systems.

After we see the above description, the development of an economic network system will have a strong and extraordinary impact on the economy of a country's territory.

But keep in mind that this scheme can work if there are government regulations and related financial ministry bodies.

And the most important factor is cooperation in building data centers that can be controlled by the government so that the data can be used as a benchmark and become a direction for creating a new, more robust system or other policies.

If you have questions about this, please contact

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