Monday, November 1, 2021

#idea 4U: Nature and Energy renewal system - Indonesia Idea and Concept

"Renewal of nature and Energy is the initial stage of a change in the whole system"

Understanding and basic

Nature is the basis of what happens to humans today. Where nature has provided the energy that is owned to be processed by humans so that humans can use it better and more perfectly than the use of nature itself.

This is proven by the existence of industries in various fields and several existing industries such as cars, petrochemicals, drugs, and so on. This is a human opportunity to explore extraordinary things. But the opportunity given is not only used by humans but by selfishness and the existing anger to continue to dredge what is in nature to become a trading commodity.

This worsens the human condition itself, where humans become dependent on very limited and dangerous natural materials. This has just become a concern for some people who are starting to realize and try to preserve it by conventional means. Of course, this is quite ridiculous for some people.

Conventional conservation issues will indeed help, but this only affects about 1-3% of the natural resources that exist and are explored by humans. Even from research conducted by renowned universities in Scotland, it is clear that natural regeneration and reproduction based on old technology will not help too much even with a special and large conservation area.


The true conservation should come from the development of a regeneration system that takes a DNA that performs regenerative/new cell arrangement which creates a tough and easy resource for reproduction. Where if this happens then one of the points in the development of the renewal system is fulfilled. In other words, there is the development of regenerative DNA on existing resources.

A simple case example that we can find is the development of palm oil for fossil-based car fuel. Of course, this is considered impossible. But with DNA-based regenerative for oil palm plants, can indirectly guarantee the survival of fossil natural resources and shorten the processing process and increase the use of clean energy.

From the example above we can conclude that the development of generative DNA is very important today. It's not just a pilot project or a shadow project, but things need to be very important and need speed to find them.

Of course, we know that research and development is not an easy and fast thing. We need a lot of time, money, energy, knowledge, development knowledge, and samples. Then this becomes an important concern because humans have reached a crucial point that is very worrying and does not have many sources.

Technology and hope

Therefore, technology is the answer to this initial question. Where technology can help humans with existing systems, one of which is artificial intelligence that is connected to a DNA demonstration that runs 24 hours which is also connected to a reaction prototype. Where if from the DNA demonstration there is a good reaction, the robot in the reaction prototype will automatically run and try it directly. And if successful, it will inform the researcher to verify the existing data.

This does sound a bit unlikely at the moment. But actually, it is very possible, If researchers, artificial intelligence companies, donor foundations let go of ego to make money and collaborate with mutually supportive schemes.

Schematics that support each other can be started from a very simple system. Where all hospital databases are integrated with AI and combined with visual simulations to achieve an interconnected world between the virtual world that accelerates change and the real world that realizes data from the virtual world.

This can be evidenced by several concepts that have existed long ago as imagination such as fast cars, electric cars, and flying cars. It is not easy and requires a lot of things to deal with.

But with the rapid and massive development of technology, should create a pattern that is mutually supportive and connected to one another.

Collaboration speeds things up

The collaboration will simplify and accelerate the process of natural renewal and the development of better technology without any reduction that damages / harms other systems.

The rapid development and correct processing of data associated with the AI system will create real-time-based synchronization. With real time-based synchronization, the development and cloning process to obtain data occurs in real-time.

This will also encourage the establishment of a centralized database system and laboratories connected to the data center. This helps the data owner to get royalties from the data generated as the basis for the formation of DNA and the energy created on it and the basic science or research base. So that research becomes lighter for a researcher and future development.

With the renewal of nature and energy on an ongoing basis, indirectly the system which aims to complement it slowly will definitely be built and indirectly will improve the system so that it can be easily accessed and quickly.

This will also be useful for the development of utilization from raw materials to waste/materials that are not reused including human waste so that they can be converted into energy that can help human life. However, in reality, it is not easy, so it requires the support of all parties that we have discussed previously.

  researchers and system designers

Samora Shopping Paradice

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