Friday, June 25, 2021

RW 09, Duri Kosambi: Utilization of Google Sheets and Google Forms as a Vaccination System

Vaccination is one of the Indonesian government's programs to create herd immunity among the Indonesian people. and this program is forwarded to the community through the DKI Jakarta government program and is forwarded to the Cengakreng sub-district and the Duri Kosambi sub-district. This was also responded by the Duri Kosambi Health Center together with the Cengkareng District Health Center to carry out vaccinations for the community and even try to be mobile or present at the place so that the community can easily access and get existing vaccinations to achieve and realize what is expected by the government.

It is not easy to mobilize people who want to be vaccinated so that they can be maintained and can be managed properly. so that no accumulation causes bigger problems and potentially more dangerous transmission. So the head of the RW, Mr. Johan created a committee to organize this and find a way to easily access registrations and print out invitations to the community quickly. So from this, it was born to create a system based on Google Sheets and Google Forms as a basic database for residents who want to vaccinate and get proof of registration quickly without direct contact.

This is made from a Google Form based on questions from the sub-district health center to record a person who will be vaccinated. The question starts with the population identification number, name, date of birth, and phone number that can access WhatsApp. then proceed with the address of the candidate who will be vaccinated and about the domicile as a requirement for vaccination in the Cengkareng sub-district. as well as other data relating to the national health card (BPJS) owned and existing diseases in the patient's body.

This is directly combined with Google Sheets to get data purely coupled with codes from Excel such as lookup, if, and many more that make Google Sheets able to display the data needed by the committee and sub-district and health center officers. this can continue to be monitored in real-time by officers and committees who have an interest. in terms of entering data, the committee really needs help from the RT secretary to input data and if there are residents who can write it down themselves, the residents can fill in the existing data themselves.

 The registration form uses a Google Form that contains several questions set by the health center officers. And requires the person who fills in all the data on the candidate to be vaccinated by the predetermined form. Coordinate with RT, RW, and LMK so that they can run according to the system properly. The citizen database system is monitored by the committee and LMK as well as RT and RW, so that the data provided is accurate, detected properly, and correctly.

To be invited digitally, it can be accessed by the public directly or assisted by a party committee, Mr. RT, Mr. RW, or the RT and RW companion team residents can print on paper or bring a smartphone that has the invitation file. The invitation has a QR code that makes it easier for the committee to collect data from the people who come. So that it can be done quickly and it is hoped that there will be no buildup and crowds on the day of implementation

The committee will scan the barcode which is the QR code from the participants who come and automatically the names of the participants will be registered according to the order of arrival.
The committee just needs to match the original ID card and make a yellow note for vaccination. Attendance will automatically come out with the required data. 

For a more complete system, see here
in downloading the data the committee was assisted by the vaccine assistance committee from the Santo Leo school. They clean up data quickly and accurately where all downloaded data will be printed for residents who cannot download independently.

they are Maria Caroline, Miguel, Paramitha Dewi, Jordan Darien, Devi Jong, Violencia Rustani, Ribka Carmelita, Fransiska Angela Kwee, Tiara Cecilia, Yovanka Arifin, Aurelia Agatha Sharon. 

at the end of the event, all participants were given deep gratitude for their dedication and assistance in carrying out this vaccination to accelerate what was expected by the government. and at the end of the event, it was also announced that the total amount injected by the committee and doctors were 1,193 people ( Vaccination 23 June, recorded 580 and vaccination 24 June, recorded 613).

and this result is thanks to the work of a compact team and the help of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Dokumentasi dan laporan dari - Samuel Liputra

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