Thursday, August 8, 2019

Synergy of integrated data systems with one multi system in the state - Indonesia Idea and Concept

"The program can be built by anyone, but the system is built based on efficiency and togetherness, while the integration system is built based on accuracy." - Samuel
just an illustration
In the current era of globalization, data is no longer an expensive or difficult word. But data is the language and form of every person's information, especially in the digital age. It is undeniable that data in today's life is a necessity in human life. Like humans who have just been born into this world, must have complete data (who is his mother, who are his parents, what blood type, what date of birth and what time).
We cannot say that this is not important. So that requires the recording of data properly, quickly and precisely. And if the data presented is wrong, a lot of bad things will happen. Suppose that A has wrong data on his birthday, then the data that must be used is wrong data for the rest of his life. Because birthday data is used everywhere like in a bank, data on a id, making a deed, and so on.
If in manual form, the statistical theory says that "the data still has a margin of error of 30-40% of the amount of data." Now we are in the era of computerization and information acceleration. Then the calculation theory has an application that is sure to undergo fundamental theory changes so that they reduce the radio error to 10-20% of the amount of data available.

If seen in the era of computerization where errors/gaps inefficiency in the era of hard copy data are covered with soft copy of computer data and the efficiency of data distribution paths. This is fairly rapid progress in the field of data statistics.
Due to the instability of data storage, many multi-systems run manually and the system is only in the form of copy to make new soft copy. If we pay attention to this, the computerized system becomes useless and produces many fake documents. So the margin of error should be around 10-20% but equal to 30-40%. Because it is a manual.
When the system is built on the foundation of computerization, then it should be prepared supporting devices such as large hard drives, electrical systems, data backup systems and so on. If you see this, then people will say that they need investment for these larger devices.
just an illustration
On that basis, there must be an integration system in a server / web-based program/application. Because this integration system has one hard drive with a large capacity and has a system that tends to be the same and safer.
But for some countries that have different territories between one region or scope of work with a regional system/scope of work that is different from one another. So that becomes a big question ... whether the area/scope of work system must be turned off?
The answer is no because it requires proper integration of system synergies in one multi-system. The synergy of an integrated system is a system that has a system basis that can be connected to an external system with the concept of mutualism or interrelated between one data with other data.
This already has a prototype in a smart city application, a wallet application with a member card of a self-service member, one mall application that deals with another.

just an illustration
But it must be ensured that support for data devices must be stable, one of which is in the electrical system that synergizes backups for crucial systems such as network systems, server data systems, data recovery systems and many more.
If we talk about the synergy of data integration systems, we will talk about many people or all elements used, one of them is the community. One of the functions of the community is to become a partner for the government and private companies as well as the government to backup itself to keep the stability of the existing system.
If it is stable, then the system that has been helped can provide updates directly to the public, especially still able to run the basic things for financial transactions.
In the end, the synergy of the data integration system can be said to have a basic sense of ownership and mutual need and a sense of responsibility from all parties. If this system continues to develop and the use of an Artificial intelligence system is added, this system will automatically develop into a multi-system that will be able to run an autopilot and develop by itself.
With a sense of awareness that is shared for the common good, it will make a country great and will absorb a large workforce to continue to develop basic and continued innovations for mutual progress.
From the other side, there must also be a synergy between one another, especially in data integration, namely complete data openness that can be read by partners and the government. Why does this become so necessary? because if there is no correct data disclosure, then what is said with "Synergy of data integration systems" is just words.
When we talk about the synergy of data integration systems, disclosure requires information disclosure including openness and collaboration in the field of cooperation and ownership. This becomes very important because so far often people who have money are only trying to develop themselves by making things that might benefit the people and only be used for certain places.
just an illustration 
For example, the easiest example is a financial payment system, where only application A can pay from a QR code or a reading device A even this applies to others. With data disclosure, application A can be used in reading tools that are B or C.
With a multi-system that synergizes and is integrated, this will benefit all parties. For example, make it easy for customers to be able to transact quickly and do not need things that are difficult or disruptive (such as first fill in application A because it usually uses application B).
Maybe this might be very difficult to happen in some sectors of application service providers. Because there is no collaboration between application A and application B, the government sector should implement a new rule for this, maintain the stability of the company and anticipate business monopolies.
in my opinion, it is good if all companies that have a valuation value of more than 1 billion and concerning the data many people must go public and not only go public but must be able to share or barter shares with competitors and the government.
for example:
Company A produces application A
Company B produces application B
then company a must have a minimum of 1% of company B's shares and vice versa, and the government must have a role of at least 1% to keep the company from being knocked down or validated because of improper or mismanagement.

just an illustration 
The government even has to arrange foreign investment for this company by a maximum of what percentage of shares and some rules that must be agreed upon by investors (for example investors must be a representative office in a country by investing in or ownership of the representative office 75% of investment capital). So it does not interfere with investment from outside who want to invest capital from outside.
because when talking about synergy this can apply not only to application companies but all companies in the field of trade or any industry. Thus the sense of ownership by sharing shares is getting stronger for a country's financial dominance plus greater. For state, revenues will be measured along with the growing stronger companies in a country. because of the existence of a new ecosystem, namely the synergy of data integration systems with one multi-system in the state
- Samuel Liputra-

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