Tuesday, November 16, 2010

eye illusion and Study Analyst stock market

Perhatikan baik baik gambar ini .... 

bagi sebagian orang  memahai orang / memperhatikan  sangatlah tidak penting.  tetapi coba anda bayangkan ...

jika anda memperhatikan orang  tersebut  , maka  kita akan mengentahui mengapa orang itu melakukan ini dan itu .. dan kitapun  dapat mengambil sisi positifnya dan memaksimalkan kemampuan yang ada dalam kita dan orang lain ....

coba kita tes seberapa anda memperhatikan orang lain
karya SLNSG

SMR Center Production Copyright

Lihat jawaban  disini  apakah benar atau salah....... 
the true answere is

Stock futures are places / facilities memperjual contract traded on a commodity or financial instrument at a specified price that the delivery of the goods agreed to be made ​​at the time to come. The contract was made between the parties did not know each other lawaan transaction. Contract is binding upon the agreement between the buyer and the seller do not know each other even though they opposed the transaction. There is no secondary market for trading in futures contracts. All contracts are the primary contract and every contract (with a particular subject of the contract) that occurred (opened) must be registered with the authorities exchange local, so the contract was created in the market.

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