Thursday, April 18, 2024

Artificial intelligence and Blockchain - Gemini Google

How to make the entire AI company open source and develop with blockchain


Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the world, and its potential to improve our lives is only just beginning to be realized. However, AI also poses several challenges, including the potential for job displacement, bias, and misuse.

One way to address these challenges is to make AI more open and transparent. This can be done by developing AI systems that are open source, meaning that their code is publicly available for anyone to inspect and improve.

Benefits of open-source AI

There are several benefits to open-source AI. First, it can help to improve the quality of AI systems. By making code publicly available, it allows a wider community of developers to find and fix bugs, and to improve the overall performance of the system.

Second, open-source AI can help reduce bias. When AI systems are developed in secret, it can be difficult to identify and address biases in the data or code. However, when code is publicly available, it is easier for people to identify and challenge biases.

Third, open-source AI can help prevent misuse. When AI systems are developed in secret, it can be difficult to track how they are being used. However, when code is publicly available, it is easier to monitor how AI systems are being used and to identify potential cases of misuse.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Blockchain Technology for Corporate Data - Indonesia Idea and Concept

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is not a new technology in the world of technology and data. However, it has only recently become widely known in the form of web3. This technology actually existed since the 1800s, but its form and structure were not yet available, and all of its devices were not yet ready.

It is not easy to develop a blockchain-based system. This is due to the very transparent system that is not easy to control by anyone. This is what makes them difficult to develop.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Proscenium Neurons: The Future of Data Connectivity - Indonesia Idea and Concept


The human brain is a complex organ with a vast network of neurons that control our thoughts, actions, and memories. As technology advances, researchers are developing new ways to connect to and interact with the brain. One promising area of research is the development of proscenium neurons, which are imaginary neurons that can be used to create a bridge between the brain and the digital world.

Human brain

A very valuable human organ with a complex functional system that is complicated to understand. Indeed, this part is a very valuable organ, because it contains thousands of information, memories, and extraordinary design patterns.

From a brain that is no bigger than the human body and no higher than a foot, it can control layers of human organs to walk and carry out many activities. If you take it further, with the human brain, economic life and everything in this world can run and turn.

It is not easy to study and understand the function of the brain yourself. How is it possible that thousands of electrical currents and neurons in the human body can produce imagination and a series of thoughts and movements that are larger than itself?

However many people have researched the working patterns of the brain so that we can know and study the basics and workings of the brain well. To date, there are thousands of brain data researchers who are trying various ways to cure brain diseases and make full use of the human brain.

Development of biometrics and DNA

With increasingly advanced technological developments, the theory of biometrics has become one of the most basic data identification factors in the world of technology. Where the palm, face, hand movements, lines on the hand, and fingerprints are the basis for data access.

In its development, DNA technology has become the key to access that has been developed and has more complex "biometrics" to secure, develop, and combine several impossible things into imaginative things.

This was marked by the development of the imaginary neutron theory, which began human motor simulations that made humans "live" in dreams. This is an important thing for researchers and has not yet been published openly.

Because there are still several factors that researchers always think about basic biometrics in the form of images become a connecting network between the human brain and neurology in the human body.

But the imaginary theory developed by Albert Einstein in particular revealed that the easiest way to synchronize the human brain is by taking the electromagnetic waves contained in the neuro and copying them into a large box that reads the waves.

This continued to develop in 2000. The world of media and the world of science developed very rapidly. Computers and computer processors were discovered whose speed was almost the same as the human brain, but the imaginary neutron theory was still deadlocked and not developing.

Chip implantation

It is only then that in the acceleration of digital economy 4.0, there is a bright spot regarding this imaginary neutron. Where a series of experiments were carried out to implant a chip or small processor in the human brain for medical purposes, it is hoped that this program can help to repair damaged magnetic waves in the human brain and obtain more detailed data about these imaginary neutrons.

Even in its development, implanting chips in humans or animals has had quite a big influence. So the function of implanting a chip is added to the neutron imagination where humans can hallucinate and the results can be captured by a monitor and recorded by a computer.

Of course, this is an extraordinary development, it is certainly not easy to implant a chip for data recording purposes. At this point, artificial intelligence begins to enter the initial installation and integration process. With artificial intelligence entering the installation process, the chip that is installed in the brain finds the right imaginary neutron point that has large electromagnetic waves and channels it to the imaginary neutron point that is not functioning.

Of course, at this point it is not the end of everything, in its development the chip in the brain will not last long, because with artificial intelligence they are trying to apply a Neuron Identity Sign. Because with NII, the process is easier and does not open the skull in humans, which is very dangerous and has high risks.

Neutron identity sign

This was the highest technology that would be achieved by humans at that time. With the Neutron identity sign, you only use a tattoo model to enter and artificial intelligence will immediately work to find imaginary neutron points with the help of an autonomous ringing transmission system. Where artificial intelligence controls glucose fluid to obtain comprehensive data and change all body tissues as a unified sign.

From here, the development of a real Metaverse system begins where we enter and act as a person walking in the digital world.

Because humans are without wires, they will enter the virtual world and slowly and surely pull the digital world in and can be touched in the real world. At this time the Metaverse turned into a Gilgaverse. Where the boundaries between the real world and the virtual world become blurry, almost non-existent.

New Era

From here, even humans do not know the boundaries of where the new era begins. They have been pushed unintentionally or intentionally to enter and use this. This started from the government and then to large companies and was adopted by small companies and even MSMEs.

From these small companies and MSMEs, society is starting to adapt on a large scale. They do it because they have to and everyone else does it, otherwise, they would be the ones left out and not be able to do anything.

They even do NIS "marking" when they are still babies. They have created an identity that cannot be mistaken and cannot be completely removed. Because it uses the Blockchain technology system and uses universal Blockchain. Where all official Blockchains will record every device and data passing through the system.

It was initially met with resistance and rejection, but the system grew and accepted and reached the "perfection" point in three and a half years. Currently, ninety percent of political and economic conditions are controlled by the system. They get "images and commands based on proscenium neurons that have been synchronized with artificial intelligence that has and knows all human life through NIS.

  • Proscenium Neurons

Proscenium neurons are based on the theory that the brain can be modeled as a computer. In this model, neurons are represented as processors, and synapses are represented as connections between processors. This allows researchers to use computer simulation to study the brain and develop new ways to connect to it.

  • Development of Proscenium Neurons

Proscenium neurons have been in development for several decades. In the early days, researchers used implantable chips to record brain activity. These chips were limited in their capabilities, but they provided valuable insights into the brain.

In recent years, researchers have developed new methods for connecting to the brain that are less invasive. One promising method is to use a technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). TMS uses magnetic fields to stimulate neurons in the brain.

  • Applications of Proscenium Neurons:

Proscenium neurons have a wide range of potential applications. They could be used to:
    • Improve our understanding of the brain
    • Develop new treatments for brain disorders
    • Create new forms of artificial intelligence
    • Enhance human-computer interaction


Proscenium neurons are a promising new technology with the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the brain and our relationship with technology. As research in this area continues, we can expect to see even more innovative applications of proscenium neurons in the years to come.

I would be happy if we could discuss this.

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